Easy access and browsing

The Ministry of Endowments & Religious Affairs put into account the key aspects to follow the rules of the contents of the information network (WCAG) issued by the “Association of upgrading the network” www.w3c.org. We also strive to enable all users – including those with special needs – to have access to the Internet and its use.

1- Determine of the letters size

You can increase the size of the letters by pressing “CTRL” and “+” several times until reaching the appropriate font size for reading. You can also enlarge the screen by pressing F11 key on the keyboard, or by clicking on the option “Preview View ‘” located on the toolbar, then click on the option’ full screen ‘.

2- Change font size and clarity of the screen

You can change the font size and clarity of the screen depending on the browser you are using, as follows:

  1. Internet Explorer: Choose (view)> Text Size.
  2. Mozilla Firefox: select View> bring closer.
  3. You can change the screen resolution of your computer by changing the characteristics of the screen display for a greater or lesser clarity, depending on the device and the computer you’re using. You can change the screen resolution in the following ways: Computer of Microsoft Windows: Choose Start> Control Panel> Display> adjust the resolution

3- Abbreviations and adjust of the keyboard

You can use the keyboard to promote easy access to controls of operating system you are using, so that you can browse using the keyboard shortcuts only, without resorting to the use of the mouse as some might prefer.

Here are some steps of control and instructions used in the computer operating system Microsoft Windows:

  1. F1: To view the help file for the current program.
  2. F4: to repeat the last operation.
  3. F11: to display the content of the page in full screen.
  4. Ctrl + Z: To undo the last operation.
  5. Ctrl + F10: To minimize the active window.
  6. Tab: to navigate between the elements of the web page.
  7. Alt + Tab: to navigate between tabs currently used.
  8. Windows key + D: to show the desktop.
  9. Windows key + E: To start using Windows Browser.
  10. Windows key + U: to open the window “Ease of Access Center” and change the access options in your computer. Ctrl + C: To copy the highlighted elements to the clipboard.
  11. Ctrl + V: To paste items on the clipboard.
  12. Ctrl + X: To cut the shaded elements (with a copy of it in the clipboard).
  13. Ctrl + N: Open a new window.
  14. Alt + letter: to activate the menu represented with a particular letter, for example: You can see a list of “file” by pressing the buttons Alt + F.

4- Using the keyboard to navigate

You can easily navigate through our site by using the keyboard by the following:

  1. Use the arrow buttons to move up or down the page.
  2. Use the Tab to move between links.
  3. Use the Return or Enter to choose the link.
  4. Use Backspace button to return to the previous page.

5- Links / image texts

If you are not enable you to preview images, the ministry’s website provides text components that are alternative for graphics elements such as logos, images, marks, etc., as this feature enables software to read the content and description. This helps the blind who use such software to get an idea about fees available in the internet.

6- Text reader

The site contains a property of “text reader” which is one of the properties to assist in reading the text on the web page without requiring the user to activate any other programs to facilitate listening to the contents of the website instead of reading, and this technique is very useful for people who are visually impaired, and portal users who have difficulties in reading texts online. When clicking on the “Listen” can listen to e-content in a clear voice in the form of an audio recording prior neutral accent and modeled on natural to be able to understand it by all users from different parts of the world. The user may also alter the volume of the voice to suit him/her. These contents can download in MP3 audio file format to the user’s personal computer by clicking on the option ‘No Sound?’ In the audio player. This feature allows users to download the contents of the website in the form of audio files and listen to them at a later time via their computers or portable music playback device.

7- Browser compatibility

The contents of the website of the Ministry are designed to fit with more browsers Internet use. The website uses appropriate elements in network coding in order to ensure the clear use of language and to switch easily to the contents of the table in the old and new technical environments browsers, and has been tested by the more common browsers, namely Internet Explorer and Firefox. The website uses the encoding of (JavaScript), so please adjust your browser settings to run this type of encoding in order to make all of the contents of the ministry’s website.

8- Navigation in the ministry’s website without using the mouse

The user can browse the website of the Ministry of using only the keyboard and watch the models without having to use the mouse.

  1. Press the Tab key to move between links on the page, and then hold down Shift and press the Tab key to return to the links required.
  2. When selecting a link, press the “Enter ” key to move to the desired page.,
  3. And you can return to the previous page by pressing the key backspace.
  4. Channels of social websites:

9- Forms

Some forms have been designed on the website to fit with the laws of easy access and browsing so that they can be read using assistive technologies such as screen readers. Work is still ongoing to convert the rest of the forms so that they are easy to access and browsing.

10- Assistance

We look forward to reading your comments and suggestions via the inquiries link or e-mail custservice@mara.gov.om in order to enable visitors with  access to this Website easily. You can also contact us on 24644999.