العدد 11 / 2015
- The value system in a religious and social context
مؤلف: عبد الرحمن السالمي - Maqasid al Shari'ah (The objectives of Islamic law)
مؤلف: رضوان السيد - Creating a "virtuous society" for the Moyen Age - The religious elites and their obligations and responsabilities
مؤلف: عامر الحافي - Values and the future religion, knowledge, ideology and common responsabilities
مؤلف: رية الخزيرية - Ikhtiaf (Difference) and Tafahom (Mutual understanding) in Islamic fiqh (Jurisprudence) causes and ethical reponses
مؤلف: محمود هرموش - Islam Abrahamic faiths Ta'aruf ("Getting to know one another") in the Qur'an and in practice
مؤلف: عز الدين عناية - Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and its heritage through the eyes of the Faqih (Scholar of jurisprudence) and the politician
مؤلف: خالد المشرفي - The status of ikhtilaf (Difference), Ta'aruf (Mutual acquaintanceship) and I'tiraf (Recognition) in the Qur'anic value system
مؤلف: أحميدة النيفر - Rapprochement and harmony
مؤلف: عبد الله بن محمد السالمي - Mohammed Arkoun and the question of ethics in contemporary Arab thought
مؤلف: محمد أحمد قنديل